Even though 2012 is still months to come, I think its okay to monitor next year’s hair trend from now because it takes time for our hair to grow and to give a break from any chemical treatment. As an example, we can learn the trend for next year from Matrix hair trend show that is recently showcased, titled Dual Voltage Individuality. This hairshow invited Julian Tognini, a top hairdresses from Australia and two ambassador hairdressers from Matrix Indonesia, Rudy Hadisuwarno and Gunawan Hadisuwarno.
Dual Voltage Individuality has 2 style, High Voltage and Two Voltage that can be a reference that can be applied on various occasions. High Voltage consists of modern updo variations and chignon, while the Low Voltage is a series of daily hairstyle references. Red and copper haircolor, also laser-cut and asymmetric haircut are found much this trend.
You can take reference from these picture below. The top photos of each section are the High Voltage styles, while the below photos are created as Low Voltage hairstyle. From all those hairstyles, I think any woman can find the most suitable hairstyle for her since Matrix creates such a wide varieties of hairstyle for various hair-length, color and texture. So which hairstyle do you think suitable for you?
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